Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CCGridEditorComboBoxCComboBox for inplace edit. For internal use by CGridColumnTraitCombo
 CCGridEditorDateTimeCtrlCDateTimeCtrl for inplace edit. For internal use by CGridColumnTraitDateTime
 CCGridEditorComboBoxEditCEdit inside CComboBox for inplace edit. For internal use by CGridColumnTraitCombo
 CCGridEditorTextCEdit for inplace edit. For internal use by CGridColumnTraitEdit
 CCGridMultilineEditorTextCEdit for inplace edit. For internal use by CGridColumnTraitMultilineEdit
 CCGridColumnTraitCGridColumnTrait specifies the methods needed for custom cell handling
 CCGridColumnTraitTextCGridColumnTraitText provides customization of cell text and background
 CCGridColumnTraitImageCGridColumnTraitImage implements an image switcher (can mimic a checkbox)
 CCGridColumnTraitComboCGridColumnTraitCombo implements a CComboBox as cell-editor
 CCGridColumnTraitDateTimeCGridColumnTraitDateTime implements a CDateTimeCtrl as cell-editor
 CCGridColumnTraitEditCGridColumnTraitEdit implements a CEdit as cell-editor
 CCGridColumnTraitMultilineEditCGridColumnTraitMultilineEdit implements a CEdit as multiline cell-editor
 CCGridColumnTraitHyperLinkCGridColumnTraitHyperLink that can launch a link using the web-browser
 CCGridColumnTraitVisitorCGridColumnTraitVisitor enables the use of the visitor-pattern to add extra behavior to the CGridColumnTrait classes
 CCGridRowTraitCGridRowTrait specifies an interface for handling custom drawing at row-level
 CCGridRowTraitTextCGridRowTraitText provides customization text and background at row-level
 CCGridRowTraitXPCGridRowTraitXP fixes drawing of rows when the application is using classic- or XP-style
 CCGridRowTraitVisitorCGridRowTraitVisitor enables the use of the visitor-pattern to add extra behavior to the CGridRowTrait classes
 CCGridListCtrlExCGridListCtrlEx extends the CListCtrl with several features
 CCGridListCtrlGroupsCGridListCtrlGroups extends the CGridListCtrlEx with grouping
 CCOleDropSourceWnd< T >
 CCOleDropTargetWnd< T >
 CCOleDropTargetWnd< CGridListCtrlEx >
 CCViewConfigSectionAbstract interface for persisting view configuration
 CCViewConfigSectionDefaultAbstract interface for persisting view configuration, that can use an in-memory default-configuration
 CCViewConfigSectionProfilesAbstract interface for persisting view configuration, that can switch between different view configuration profiles
 CCViewConfigSectionWinAppCan persist the column configuration using CWinApp::WriteProfile()
 CCViewConfigSectionDefault::CViewConfigSectionLocalInner class that stores the default configuration in memory